Trinity Church of Annapolis
Come Home to Trinity
Still Alive in ‘25
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37–40
“We strive to engage our community and live out our faith by building relationships locally and globally. We believe we have been called to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
Relationships, deep care for one another, our neighbors (nearby and far away), the grace of Jesus Christ.
Come Home to Trinity
Still Alive in ‘25”

Come Home to Trinity
Still Alive in ‘25

What We Believe
‘Grace upon Grace upon Grace’
We believe in grace…prevenient grace - the grace that goes before us, inviting us into a relationship with God; justifying grace - the grace that heals us, making our relationship right with God; and sanctifying grace - the grace that grows us, deepening our relationship with God and with neighbor. We believe in “Grace upon Grace upon Grace.”
We use the Bible as our first and primary source for theological discussion. We use the reading of Scripture, our reason, our tradition, and our experience to inform our understanding of the bible and of theological issues. The Bible is always primary.
We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of the month and everyone is welcome at the Lord’s table.
Serving our Neighbor
Our Neighbors near and far away
Loving our Neighbors – We believe that our neighbors are those who live nearby and those that are far away.
We commit our time and our resources to serve all our neighbors. Here are some of the ways we are doing that:
The Well Ministry
Each month on the third Sunday, we take a “Noisy Offering” – encouraging people to bring change (we take the paper kind, too). Through this offering and a few other fundraisers, we have purchased 36 wells for communities around the world in countries such as India, Cambodia, Nigeria, Thailand, The Philippines, and Vietnam.
The Good News Jail Ministry
We provide financial resources, prayer support, and assistance to the chaplains at the Jennifer Road (Annapolis) Detention Center. We have been providing this assistance for over 25 years.
The Lighthouse Shelter
Our members assist the shelter with food, meals, fundraising, and financial resources.
VBS - Vacation Bible School
The community is invited to join us for VBS in 2025. Come Home to Trinity
“Have an eye on God in every word you sing. Music is very important at Trinity.
Come Home to Trinity
Still Alive in ‘25”

Germantown-Homewood Community
Our location on West Street near the newly rebuilt Annapolis Library, the Navy Stadium and the Historic Downtown area place us squarely in the heart of our community.
Come Home to Trinity
Still Alive in ‘25