About Us…

Trinity Church is a historic church with deep roots in the Germantown-Homewood Community in the heart of Annapolis. All are welcome at Trinity. Come Home to Trinity. Sunday morning worship is at 10:30 AM in-person and online (Facebook Live & YouTube). It is traditional in design, yet with a taste of contemporary and a gospel flavor. Trinity is growing in diversity. Sermons will always be Biblically based and applicable to our daily lives.

We welcome you to join us every Sunday for service at 10:30 am. We offer Sunday School for all ages each Sunday at 9 am.

Coffee time begins after Sunday School and before service, around 10 am and Fellowship and refreshments after services too.


We strive to engage our community and live out our faith by building relationships locally and globally. We believe we have been called to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. These are just a few of the activities our Church is currently engaged in:

The Well Ministry: Each month on the third Sunday, we take a “Noisy Offering” – encouraging people to bring change (we take the paper kind, too). Through this offering and a few other fundraisers, we have purchased 36 wells for communities around the world in countries such as India, Cambodia, Nigeria, Thailand, The Philippines, and Vietnam. 

The Good News Jail Ministry – We provide financial resources, prayer support, and assistance to the chaplains at the Jennifer Road (Annapolis) Detention Center. We have been providing this assistance for over 25 years. 

The Lighthouse Shelter – Our members assist the shelter with food, meals, fundraising, and financial resources

Trunk or Treat – Halloween Night we host a night of pure fun in our parking lot for our neighborhood families. 

Caroling – we take to the streets around Christmas and bless our neighbors with a little Christmas cheer.